U Beogradu se od 12–14. septembra 2022. godine odr žava XXII Srpski kongres medicinske biohemije i labo ratorijske medicine sa međunarodnim učešćem, u organizaciji Društva medicinskih biohemičara Srbije i Farmaceutskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Tradicionalno u toku Kongresa biće održan i 16th Belgrade Symposium for Balkan Region. Kongres se održava pod pokroviteljstvom Međunarodne federacije za kliničku hemiju i laboratorijsku medicinu – IFCC (International Fede ration of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine), Evropske federacije za kliničku hemiju i laboratorijsku medicinu – EFLM (European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine) i Balkanske kliničko laboratorijske federacije – BCLF (Balkan Clinical Laboratory Federation), kao i Ministarstva prosvete i nauke i tehnološkog razvoja i Ministarstva zdravlja Republike Srbije.

XXII kongres medicinske biohemije i laboratorijske medicine posvećen je inovacijama i trendovima koji će oblikovati budućnost laboratorijske dijagnostike. Fokus predavanja je na novom konceptu upravljanja kvalitetom u medicinskim laboratorijama, organizaciji eksterne kontrole kvaliteta u laboratorijama, upravljanjem preanalitičkim i analitičkim greškama. Posebna pažnja biće posvećena dijagnostici i lečenju korišćenjem nove generacije laboratorijskih metoda u personalizovanoj medicini, savremenim trendovima u labo ratorijskoj medicini, kao i u proceni rizika kod metaboličkih i endokrinih poremećaja. Kongres će se baviti i drugim aspektima našeg profesionalnog angažova nja, kao što je akreditacija u medicinskim laboratorijama i procena rizika u oblasti bezbednosti hrane.

Zadovoljstvo nam je što će se na XXII kongresu medicinske biohemije i laborato rijske medicine i 16th Belgrade Symposium for Balkan region predstaviti istaknuti naučnici i la boratorijski profesionalci iz susednih zemalja. Takođe, na sekciji »Forum mladih istraživača«, studentima doktorskih studija, mladim istraživačima i struč njacima iz laboratorija biće omogućena razmena iskustva i ideja kao i uspostavljanje baze za buduću saradnju.

Organizacija Kongresa rezultat je angažovanja i zalaganja svih članova Naučnog i Organizacionog odbora. Nadamo se da će ponuđeni program ispuniti vaša očekivanja, da ćete uzeti aktivno učešće u diskusiji, i da ćete kroz razmenu iskustava obogatiti svoja zna nja, što bi bilo od nesumnjive koristi za našu svakodnevnu laboratorijsku praksu.

Takođe, iskreno se nadamo da će Beograd, drevni grad na dve reke biti dobar i interesantan domaćin.

Iznad svega, želimo vam uspešan rad i prijatan boravak.

U Beogradu, 25. februar 2022. godine



Organizacionog odbora Kongresa

Dr Iva Perović-Blagojević



Naučnog odbora Kongresa

Prof. dr Vesna Spasojević-Kalimanovska

From September 12–14th 2022, Belgrade will host the 22nd Serbian Congress of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine with international participation, and 16th Belgrade Symposium for Balkan region organized by the Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia and Faculty of Pharmacy, Uni versity of Belgrade. The Congress will be held under the auspices of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC), European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFCC) and Balkan Clinical Laboratory Federation (BCLF), as well as the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological development and Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia.

The focus of 22nd Congress of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine and 16th Belgrade Symposium for Balkan region will be the innovations and trends that are shaping the future of laboratory medicine. Lectures will be dedicated to the new concept in quality management in medical laboratories, organization of external quality control in laboratory and pre-analytical and analytical errors management. Special attention will be given to diagnostics and treatment by utilizing new generation of laboratory methods and innovations in personalized medicine, novel trends in laboratory medicine and the risk assessment of metabolic and endocrine disorders. Congress will also consider other aspects of our professional engagement, such as accreditation in medical laboratories and risk assessment in food safety.

The Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia also has the pleasure to welcome you to the 16th Belgrade Symposium for Balkan Region being held under the title »Laboratory Medicine Management: Leadership Skills for Effective Laboratory«.

We are very pleased to announce prominent scientists and laboratory professionals from neighbouring countries. We also invite you to participate in our Section for PhD students and young researchers »Forum of Young Researchers«. This section aspires to be an ideal place for young researchers, laboratory professionals and students to interact and share ideas.

22nd Congress of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine will be a unique opportunity to liaise with your professional colleagues from neighbouring countries, learn and share your knowledge and discuss the latest research outcomes and technological advancements as well as new ideas in medical laboratory practice.

Organization of the Congress is the result of engagement and effort by all members of the Scientific and Organizing Boards. It is our hope that the programme we are offering with meet your expectations, that you will take active part in the discussion and that through such an exchange of experiences you will enrich you knowledge, which would doubtlessly be useful to our everyday laboratory practice.

Also, we sincerely hope you will find Belgrade, the ancient city upon two rivers, a kind and interesting host.

Above all, we wish you success in your work and a pleasant stay.

Belgrade, February 25, 2022



of the Scientific Boards of the Congress

Dr Iva Perović-Blagojević



of the Organizing Board of the Congress

Prof. dr Vesna Spasojević-Kalimanovska